Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's What You've All Been Waiting For

I know some of you have been foaming at the mouth for updates on my novel.

Well, I'm writing this to tell you all you wont have long to wait.

I'm currently beefing up a synopsis that is to die for. It's gonna give the main concepts and ideas behind the book. Where the idea came from... and details to the main characters and plot...

In case you're wondering... I wont give away any of the ending...and it's written in a sequel style so... the second and final book hasn't even been written (in complete) yet.

I just hope you enjoy my characters as much as I do...

and don't worry I love them enough not to give up on them.

One day... Adam and Evy will have their say (gasp... oops is that a give away?)

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Mom!!! The photo is basically what I envisioned for my book cover. So, you can work with it, right?