Thursday, June 10, 2010

Being Neighbors in Crime

So here's the deal. For the last five years, I've gone down to the local fireworks tent. Bought over forty dollars worth of cheap sparklers, fountains, whistlers, and ground blooms.
And for the last five years, our neighbors have brought out every assorted bottle rocket, and flying whatevers that put the city park's display to shame. They've practically blown the paint off of nearby trucks and scared the *you know what* out of small children (including my own). All for a lot less dough than my lousy attempt at patriotic pride.
So this 4th of July, we're doing our neighborly duty and getting *out of state* fireworks. At this point, its practically tradition to break the law on the day the Declaration of Independence was signed. Makes perfect sense to me. And it's a whole lot cooler!

Not to worry, we keep a five gallon bucket of water and a hose ready at all times.