Monday, November 23, 2009

Attack of the Creepy Neighbors!

Ever seen the movie "The Burbs?"

I swear, I have these neighbors. Okay, maybe not burying dead bodies in the back yard creepy, but definitely creepy.

Especially after dark. *bring on the scary movie music*

My kitchen window faces their back yard. Which means when I'm in my kitchen washing dishes, they can watch me. And they do.

Imagine stirring a pot of noodles, turning to the fridge to get some milk, setting it on the counter, and glancing out the window to see a dark shadow looming on his back porch.
It's enough to make me scream!
*Sigh* I hate creepy neighbors.
This summer I'm putting in a tree. A big one!

1 comment:

snypes murdock said...

yikes that is creepy. hope they dont peek in other rooms too.