Friday, November 27, 2009

Oh Look! A Wall.

The past few days have been very difficult. I'm beginning to think that I'm such a baby. I hate to think of myself this way, but what else can I say.

Thanksgiving Day, I woke up unable to move. Well, unable to move without an extreme amount of pain. The kind of nauseating, seeing spots, unable to keep yourself from bursting out crying pain. It felt like someone had taken a hammer to me in my sleep.

But, it was Thanksgiving, and while everyone else is being thankful for everything including their last pair of underwear, I was just trying not to scream with each step I took. And that sucked, because I really enjoy it when my family gets together.

But it was like I wouldn't even realize I'd let out a gasp until it was already out. The only comparison I can make would be really bad back labor, or maybe breaking your tail bone.
Well, I managed to make it through the day with a concoction of Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Rum, and Wine.
But Friday, I couldn't take it anymore. I moved just for a split second and a wave of nauseous pain ripped through me.I couldn't see anything but white and black spots.

That's when I gave up and couldn't take it anymore.

Remember when Squints Paladoras finally snaps "I can't take this no more!"

Yep, that was me.

I finally went to the Dr. They walked me to the hospital after giving me a REALLY great shot.
Turns out I had a cyst the ruptured and was leaking "God knows only what kind of horrible stuff" into my abdomen.
A week later, I'm still not feeling so great, but worlds better than last week.

A HUGE hug to anyone who has ever been through this. THESE SUCK!!!

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