Monday, July 14, 2008

My Patience Builder

I've asked other you have "the one?"
You know "the one" child that tests your patience until the outer edges have been thoroughly tested. The one, that would make even Mother Teresa explode on occasion. The one, that has made silence in your house terrifying. It's the child that has made all of the hiding places for things like scissors, sugar, glue, cookies, knives, sharpie markers, seem like not a good enough location.
Yep, I have one too.
And today, my patience is being tested to the very fibers from which it came. After spanking him the very second I got out of bed for kicking his sister. (This is obviously not allowed) Next spanking was for sneaking the carrots upstairs and attempting to make chopped soup out of them with his sisters toys.(Yet again, not allowed) Once all of the pieces were cleaned up onto the next spanking. Sneaking cereal and cookies, just after breakfast. (not allowed)And when I think this has got to be the last time, I go upstairs after I hear the water running. Surely this could not be Cody, since he asked and I just told him no...he could not take a bath. As I approach the upstairs I see a streak of naked, wet little boy running to his room. "SIGH!"

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