Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy Clean Sheet Day!!!

Is there nothing more comforting than going to bed after a long hard day to perfectly, fresh, clean sheets.
It's like a moment from a laundry detergent commercial. You open up your dryer and smell those perfectly bleached, crisp sheets.
I know this is completely ridiculous, but sometimes we need a little ridiculous in life. All day I go around the house saying "happy clean sheet day!" Every time you walk past the washer and dryer, hearing those sheets getting clean, "happy clean sheet day!" Then, finally you put them on your bed, straighten them, and cover them up, it like a present waiting to be opened at the end of the day. Ahhhh, at last, but honey you have to take a shower first before you come to bed.

So I pay homage to the clean sheets and celebrate "HAPPY CLEAN SHEET DAY!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES!!! Love love love clean sheets! Nothing more relaxing when you crawl in and oh so smooth :) And I generally make Eric take a shower before he may crawl Got to keep them nice as long as possible.