Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Embarrassing Moment of the Day

Like I don't have enough embarrassing moments just being blond.
Today, while I was doing Bethany's hair, getting ready to leave for ballet class, I hear Cody crying. "Mom, the dog ran away!"
Oh great, my big obnoxious dog has decided to run off and hit the town. I grab a bag of dog treats and go for a walk.
I turn the corner, and spot her...whistling and calling her...but she completely ignores me....grrrr!

So I have to walk straight up to her and grab her. Oh how embarrassing, but it's not the worst part. My dog decides her defiance is not over, and she lays on the ground and plays dead.
So, there I am, dragging a full grown Labrador retriever, on her back down the sidewalk. Yep, my neighbors now know me as the lady that drags her dog.
I'm so mad at her I could just spit. Stupid Dog!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I so feel your pain. But I'm worse because I yell terrible names at the top of my lungs at the dog while dragging - ha ha.