Tuesday, February 16, 2010

AHA! Moment, Now What?

Today I was driving home from the gym, with my tunes blaring. Okay, so lets just say... the speakers have no chance in hell of surviving my ownership. But that's besides the point.
I had on the new Toby Mac album so you really can't blame me. I was singing with the words I knew and I thought...
"I wish there were more artists like Toby Mac. So good and so cool all at the same time."

Then it hit me...

I bet every record label, literary agent, publishing company, and advertising agency wishes this exact same thing every single day. They don't reject and refuse you because they want to. Quite the opposite. They're dying to find something amazing they can put out there.

Which makes me realize, I need to try harder. A lot harder!

It's time to step up my game, seek outside input (big ouch), and just do it.

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