Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Why Do I Do This To Myself?

For the past few weeks, Anna-Claire has had a lump on the side of her eyebrow.

Sorry to say, but I have really begun to dismiss these things. Out of all the children we have, if I don't have one in eminent danger, I tend to overlook the minor bruises. So I figured, it was either a bump on the head or maybe a sinus thing that would just go away. Not only did it not go away, it's getting bigger. Well I was going to make an appointment this week, but as luck would have it; she went and fell off the slide, making the other side of her face a complete wreck. (I would have photo's, but Luke took my camera to Michigan for the week) So, I thought I would stall a few more days to give the other side some time to heal.

Oh why did I do this? Every time I got a spare minute I started thinking, I should look that up. Just in case. I don't really want make a big deal about something stupid.

Well, I looked it up online....and now I'm scared to death. Everything I could find that fits...well I'm just scared to death. Now I'm calling the second the office opens in the morning to get her in.

I really should just not look things up online anymore!


Anonymous said...

Could it be some type of inflamed bug bite? i'm sure it will be fine but I do understand you worry and have done the same thing myself. The internet is a scary place when looking up medical stuff. Trust me a lot of things have the same symptoms and can mimic other illnesses. I'll be praying for a quick answer and a healed baby girl.

Anonymous said...

I do the EXACT same thing! Sharon was telling me about lou Gherigs' disease, and I decided "That's what Todd has!!". Online is so much worse! What did the doctor say btw?