Monday, June 23, 2008

Homeschool Prep Time

I know that summer finally just started, but as a homeschooling mom my thoughts are on the next school year.

First things first, I've gotten out my BJU curriculum catalog and begun figuring out what I'm going to need, what I want,and then what I can actually afford.

This is my list...yikes!

Cody - 1st Grade

Phonics 1

Spelling 1

Reading 1A-1F

Reading Worktext

Math 1 (3rd edition)

Handwriting Worktext

Heritage Studies & Science

*extra outside the classroom*

Drum lessons

Karate Class

So far the cost for Cody (not including the lessons) is $129.50

Bethany - 4th Grade

English 4

Spelling 4

Reading (I met you in a story)

Reading Worktext 4

Math 4

Science and Heritage Studies (to be read and done along with Justin Grade 5)

Handwriting 4

*extra outside the classroom*

Ballet Class ( 2 hours per week)

Karate Class

Violin Lessons

So far the cost for Bethany (not including lessons) is $86.00 -thanks book sharing and hand-me-downs

Justin - 5th Grade

English 5

Spelling 5

Reading (pages in my head)

Reading Worktext 5

Math 5

Handwriting 5

Extra book reading- 30 minutes

*extras outside the classroom*

karate Class

Cello Lessons

So far the cost for Justin (not including lessons) is $202.00

Grand total is $417.50

And who knows how much all of this will change before the first day of the year.

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