Saturday, June 28, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

WOW! I really had no idea when I was walking down the isle that all of this would happen.

Year 1: Had no idea how to cook. Pretty sure I never even used the oven in our apartment.

Year 2: Luke joins the Air Force, have a baby, and moved to Germany - us crazy kids!

Year 3: What a rough year

Year 4: Had another baby, Bethany. Now two kids, in Germany, 4th floor apartment, lousy paychecks, can't wait to come home...

Year 5: Yeah....Coming Home, now sights set on a house of our very own

Year 6: We get Cody!!! Moved into a new house, life is sooo good.

Year 7: Disneyworld...first family vacation (too fun!)

Year 8: Move to Meeker and a house that was ridiculously primative, I'm surprised it had plumbing

Year 9: We have a new baby, Dulcey.

Year 10: We move back to Grand Junction (sigh of relief) Luke and I get to have our own bedroom again

Year 11: Well, we thought we got to have our own bedroom, baby number five, Anna-Claire graces us with her presence

Year 12: Disneyland with all five kids, watch the kids get a little older, go on a few dates

Lord, please be with us through the next year, may it be blessed and full of your love. Thank You for everything you've given us and all the little things. AMEN!

Happy Anniversary, Luke!

I Love You!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary you crazy kids!!