Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Still Under Par

Ok, so apparently my brain is still not working to it's normal capacity. Today, I got to the grocery store, thinking I'm doing so good. Wrong! I make it all the way inside before I realize I have no idea what I'm suppose to get for the week.I've completely spaced out my only source of power, THE LIST. Well, I have no intentions of packing the car back up with kids and strollers, so I figure I can wing it. Not exactly! I got through the next hour in a complete blur. I haven't the foggiest idea what to do for dinner, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I will have to go back before Friday. All I could do was minimize the damage and get out as fast as possible. So, for now, there's food in the house, well, at least the pantry is stocked. Don't ask me with what, cause I'm not really sure.

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