Thursday, September 3, 2009

What A HYPE!!!

If you've ever been to a basketball game, you know what I'm talking about.
As you walk through the door, you're immediately handed a foam finger and a sports bottle. Once you get to your seat, it's all about the nachos and beer ads that flash across the huge screen in the center of the stadium. Not to mention, the blaring music, cheerleaders, pep squad, nearest high school dance teams, and 12 different animal suited mascots. It then takes another twenty minutes to introduce the players, and boo the opponents.
Okay... so now its go time, right? Wrong! The players play for about three minutes and you get another round of cheerleaders, mascots, and miniature blimps that shoot out t-shirts.

Now, the next time you wonder how exactly the American public would actually vote for Obama. You can take this little scenario and think "What A HYPE!!!"

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