Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Dear Friends,
Ok, so mostly, this blog is to say sorry for the lack of attention I have given it. But, also, that I have some pretty cool news. That's probably not so important to anyone else yet as it is to me. I'm writing a book. I've always wanted to, but always lacked a proper story.
The main problem being; what do I write about?
For so long, I knew there was something that had to be cool back in the depths of my blond, sometimes dopey brain, but it never came to the front. The other night, I had the coolest beyond coolest of ideas, and had to write it down before I forgot it.
I'm not even going to hint what it's about. I'm just hoping to share it with all of you someday when it's finished. I am determined to finish it, and everyday it takes on another dimention that makes it that much bigger and better. So before I start rambling on about how much I already love it, I'll quit and get back to it.
I just wanted to let you all know that I haven't forgotten my blog or any of you.I'm trying to facebook a few minutes a day to let the cyberworld know that I haven't curled under a rock either.
But my impatience to get all of this in writing is killing me, and my spiratic notes are going to look more like a psychotic episode if I don't start putting them in some order. So for now, goodbye to the daily blog! I'll post again, when I feel the guilt. Please don't give up on me ;)


Anonymous said...

What? Are you kidding me? I'm dying to know what it's about. Don't make me come over to Wal-mart and find you...

Anonymous said...

he he he....I know what it's about, but I'm not saying!