Monday, June 16, 2008


1.What time did you get up this morning? 9 (hard to believe, I know)

2.Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds...really big ones

3.What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Prince Caspian (great movie, btw...and it's a 50/50 for following the book)

4.What is your favorite TV show? WOW! Does TV still actually exist?

5.What do you usually have for breakfast? Glass of Milk

6.What is your middle name? Michelle (hence the shell)

7.What food do you dislike? Anything that has a fishy smell or taste or resemblance, that and black licorice

8.What is your favorite song at moment? Hmmm...worship song (hosanna by hillsong), alternative rock (evanescence anything), easy listening (Colby Calais anything)

9.What kind of car do you drive? Around town is the Honda Odyssey, to the hills, lake, or camping it's the suburban

10.Favorite sandwich? Definitely Turkey...some things never change

11.What characteristic do you despise? whiners

12.Favorite item of clothing? hmmm...I really don't know

13.If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? I really want to see Pennsylvania, D.C., and most of New England

14.Favorite brand of clothing? I love gymboree when I can afford it

15.Where would you retire to? A huge RV to travel all over the country

16.What was your most recent memorable birthday? I spent my 21st in Paris, one will be in MAUI....I'm soooo spoiled

17.Favorite sport to watch? Denver Broncos and Nascar

18.When is your birthday? September 5th

19.Are you a morning person or a night person? hmmm...I think....neither

20.What is your shoe size? 7

21.Any exciting news you would like to share with us? Dale Earnhart Jr won the race yesterday...WOOT!

22.What did you want to be when you were little? a nurse..till I saw what they really do..I don't have the stomach for it

23.How are you today? ok

24.What is your favorite flower? Tulips, Lilies, Orchids, and Bird of Paradise

25.What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? September to MAUI

26.What was the last thing you ate? handful of peanuts

27.Do you wish on stars? no

28.If you were a crayon, what color would you be? yellow

29.How is the weather right now? between warm and hot...finally

30.Last person you spoke to on the phone? My mom

31.Favorite soft drink? Pepsi's my vice

32.Favorite Restaurant? Cheesecake mouth waters at the thought

33.What was your favorite toy as a child? my special baby she's missing an arm and the cryer doesn't work...but I still love her

34.Summer or winter? SUMMER

35.Chocolate or Vanilla? Are you kidding?? What kind of a person would pick vanilla

36.Coffee or tea? I think coffee

37.When was the last time you cried? yesterday...yep and probably will all week...I don't like it

38.What is under your bed? a baseball bat

39.What did you do last night? laid in bed and tried not to throw up

40.What are you afraid of? bugs, flying, etc, etc, etc

41.Salty or sweet? If it was my last meal on earth...sweet

42.How many keys on your key ring? hmm...I think maybe 4...funny I think I rely on remotes more

43.How many towns have you lived in? hmm...GJ, Steamboat Springs, Palisade, Kaiserslautern, Meeker...5

44.Do you make friends easily? I think so

45.Do you like finding out all this stuff about your friends? Yeah...its good to know your friends well

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